The Look and Feel Lighter Project!

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The Look and Feel Lighter Project has been created to support people attempting to manage their weight and stay strong when times get tough or when you are going through a phase of weight loss. The aim of the project is to have everyone involved one step closer to being in control of their weight, this does not have to mean lose weight, this just means having developed a set of habits that withstand life's stressors and curve balls.

The project will continue to build into a community of like minded people that have learned the 5 Principles of Exercise and Weight Management and are there for each other to make sure that we all stay motivated, in control, and most of all empowered to make the most of life by looking after our bodies and feeling good about it.

How to get involved:

1. Take part in the weekly Facebook Live Event which covers the 5 Principles each week to help you put into action simple things each week to keep you going.

2. Begin being active! What comes first the chicken or the egg? Action can come from motivation, but motivation definitely comes from taking action.

3. Join The Look and Feel Lighter Project socials to follow me and others as we all go through this together - Facebook | Instagram

4. Share the good word by sharing any meaningful and relevant content that will assist others in your circle and no doubt build this into a robust network of supportive individuals, ready to help each other to grow and learn about exercise, nutrition, and how simple habits can win over other things that so often get in the way.